Utility Work Will Affect Chincoteague Causeway Traffic Beginning Feb. 3

Beginning Monday, Feb. 3, a contract crew will be performing utility maintenance on the transmission lines that feed Chincoteague Island.

The work will not require a power outage but will require a lane closure on the Chincoteague Causeway, which will cause one-lane traffic through the work zone. The work will be performed Monday through Thursday from approximately 6:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. The project will run from Feb. 3 to March 6.

The utility maintenance will help improve system reliability.


The Town of Chincoteague is always looking for Citizens that are interested in serving on various committees or in advisory roles.  If you have experience in a particular area and would like to be considered for service, please fill out the Statement of Interest form and submit it to the Town Manager at: or deliver to the Town office at 6150 Community Drive.

Click Herer for: Citizen Service Statement of Interest Form

Septic Assistance Program

Septic Assistance Program

The Town of Chincoteague is accepting Applications for its Septic Assistance Program. This program awards grant funds to qualified residents for the repair or replacement of a failing septic system. Applications will be reviewed and qualified by Town Personnel and awards made on a first come first served basis.

Click here for application.



 Town of Chincoteague

Policy for Support to Community Organizations


The purpose of this policy is to establish a uniform procedure by which community organizations may request financial and in-kind participation from the Town of Chincoteague in support of projects, programs, and events which meet the eligibility requirements described below.

Limitations and Special Provisions

The Town Council has established certain fiscal limitations on the amount of taxpayer funds it can set aside for support to community projects and organizations. The aggregate amount is established by the Council during the annual budget process and may vary year to year to align with priorities, available revenues and liabilities.


The Town’s participation may be contingent upon the characteristics of the project or event and may also require that appropriate insurance coverage be provided by the applicant at the applicant’s cost.


Eligibility is restricted to applicants who are recognized community service organizations, organized and federally designated as non-profit corporations, or a government agency. Other applicants should apply through such an organization that will serve as their sponsor.

Award Criteria

All applications for municipal support will be reviewed and considered to the extent that the stated purpose for the request serves the Town’s citizens in relation to any or all of the following general criteria:

  • Promotion of commerce and industry.
  • Celebration of the Town’s culture or history.
  • Contributions to the education, growth or development of Town youth.
  • Observance of local, regional, or national historic dates or events.
  • Contribution to the general public good in areas of education, safety, health, welfare, or recreation.
  • Expected participation of a significant number of citizens who will benefit from the program, event, or activity.
  • Individuals who merit special consideration because of their accomplishments that bring recognition to the community.

Availability of Funds Process

All funding requests must be submitted on a “Community Support Application Form” which is available at the Town Office or from the Town’s website at Requests will normally be submitted to the Town Manager who will present all requests to the Budget and Personnel Committee for consideration and recommendation to the Council. All requests will be considered collectively at a regular Council meeting held during budget deliberations. Applicants will be notified of the meeting and should plan to attend to respond to any questions or clarifications which may arise during Council’s review. A percentage of budgeted funds may be reserved at Council’s discretion for future requests.